If you're Terran, I'd say your best move at this point would be to attack the Arceans (Yellow). Try to set it up so you take them down to 1 planet in one turn. Don't completely destroy them or you might take a diplomacy hit. Once you've taken them down, your influence will eat up the small gray and the Altarians that would be surrounded by your territory. It might be enough to get you to #1 on its own.If possible, just put transports around all of their planets and let them declare war. That saves you a diplomacy hit too.
Actually, only a few turns after I continued this game, the Arceans surrendered.

And now a couple dozen or so turns later, the map looks like that. Notice the point in the influence graph where my influence spiked -- I think that was due to the Arceans' surrender.
If you've got any Influence resources in plausible locations, be sure you mine and defend them fully. That percentage boost really starts to count once you start up an influence win curve.Building a few extra influence improvements on planets can also help in some systems, especially where you already control a majority of the worlds. You can always replace them with production, research, or income structures later.
Unfortunately I have absolutely no influence resources in my territory.

But I have researched up to the final Influence tech, though. I have about 6-7 fully upgraded Influence starbases along the border that each give +255 Cultural Influence.
Tossing my 2bc in.In your influence war, don't forget to sabotage any of their farms. Set a pile of spies on the farms of planets near the border, let a turn go by and then pull those spies out. You will have killed off billions of their influence-creating people on the border in 1 turn.
*slaps forehead* That sounds like a really neat idea. Why didn't
I ever think of that! All this time I've been either placing them on galactic achievements or super projects, or randomly. I think I'll make some spies and place them on Korx farms. They have been Hostile towards me for the past couple dozen turns, but then became Neutral. I'm not sure why; I didn't give them any presents at all.