please forgive me I have trouble getting around to all your questions and posts.
Do you take this as a religion, a philosophy, or both, if I may ask?
Also, does this balance theory also apply to the laws of nature? Because if it did, then the universe would not appear to be accelerating in expansion. And what about the second law of thermo?
I take is as a philosophy more to be precise.
It could apply to the universe. The big bang theory is repeative. The universe explodes from a point in space. Then is drawn back into that same point and explodes. Sending verything scattering out again just so it can be drawn back in to explode yet again. A process that supports the balance theory. But science on PREDICTS that will happen, there's no way to prove it.
Like i said. This is also a Theory. No one said it was precise, or accurate to assume this is the meaning of life.
There is no good and evil? So if I think raping children is an evil act, that's just my silly point of view?
It would been seen as evil from a human point of veiw. Infact if you raped a child it would be 'choice'. In the end, Good and Evil is really determined by someone's feelings on a matter. for example, if you choose to rape a child you wouldn't see it as evil, you would see it as justified. other would see it from a different point of veiw. The terrorists believe what they are doing if for the good of us all, but we see it as Evil. SO this proves that evil and good exist only in our heads in relation to choices we or others make. Merely a description to describe how we feel about choices been made.
See, if the problem with saying that there is no absolute standard for right and wrong is that, if it were true, nobody would think in terms of right or wrong. It's like telling your neighbor, "Hey, I have no hands!", but then he asks, "What are hands?" If there was no standard for right and wrong, people would have no concept of such a thing. They would behave more like robots, making decisions that had the most benefit for themselves. I might add that the result of such a system would be chaos, and a society could never exist in it. Yet most people have at least a partial sense of right and wrong. Where did that come from? Not from a society. The society could not exist, and even if it did, it has no concept of right and wrong.
I see your point, but in a way what you said is right. we 'think' right and wrong but in reality they are just choices we make that other will not agree with. some more intensly that others. some would support the choice. Good and evil, right and worng are words in the english language, we just use them to describe these choices in relation to how we feel about them.
i have know idea but i think this was made to descuse what he said and everybody else and pluse to see what other people think or bleive in. Chaos theory is just a fancy word for saying every thing is random
Choas theory is similar to what i'm talking about but at the same time not at all what i mean. the choas theory dictates that everything isn't in balance and life is random. I'm saying life is structured, and our actions are recognised and given an equal and opposite reaction. for example movies stars have big money, big lives big everything and they are living the high life. They take so much from life and then life must deal them a set of equal and opposite reactions. Paparazies, drugs, public humilation, pressure. the list goes on and some actually fall to this. then life stops and everything equals out yet again. but we have the choice to react to these events. Sure life deals them but ultimately our choices dictate what will happen next. fate isn't written, we right it with our choices.
Are some human beings better than others innately?
If the things we believe to be right and good and true are right and good and true, then they must be so for all of humanity. This doesn't mean we should go on a holy crusade with tanks and fighter planes to enlighten the non-believers, but it does mean that we have the right to judge others by our own standards, and make arguments as to why our point of view is better than what they have.
exactly. christian, budist, Jewdism, or no faith it doesn't matter. The point is that everyone who is part of these communities Believe in something. Which is the whole point of this balance theory. to believe in something and be ready for life.
The only problem with religeon from my "Personal" perspective is that they don't accept eachother existance. It is written in the Bible that we should 'love thy neighbors' (Which I do agree with) but they never support it. They hate people who are of another religeon and dispise those who doesn't believe. They forget how to love and accept those who ARE different. Also their teaching of christianity has gone crazy aswell, Instead of the all loving and accepting god, preists teach people to fear god because he WILL punish you for not praising him. good and evil are points of veiw right but if god is Really like this (I doubt he is) then I'd have to say he's pretty evil for making his children fear him. or maybe that's the preists interprating the bible the wrong way. sorry just my perspective of the matter. some religeons have a weird way of getting across their message.