EDIT:IMPORTANT NOTICEThere has been a change in the Round Settings that at this time is not currently reflected in the OP screenshots. Please make sure that Tech Trading IS enabled (ON) as due to the AI rarely, and very slowly, researching the 'Alliance' tech, severely limits a map of this type. Thank you for your patience and understanding.-Silver-
Hey I rose to the challenge, and already completed 2 games with the tech-trading off....it wasnt THAT hard.

I had to kill most of the AIs, rather than ally with them, but still got the correct victory type. Guess I'll replay and try for a better score now.
OT here, but did ya's hear that they are working on making it into a movie? Ice Cube as BA, Woody Harrelson as Murdock, Bruce Willis as Hannibl. All are still at 'rumored' and Face hasn't been announced/rumored yet.
I am not at all surprised. People who grew up in the 80s are now the people writing movie scripts.

Sentient species taste better...