actually WW2 made the USA.
If you have any doubts over this consider one thing.
Had the US not given loans to Europe to rebuild(money which went back directly into the US) Europe would have been unable to afford to buy anything from the US and local industries would have reestablished themselves quicker and europe wouldnt have had sizeable debts with intrest to the US.
See the US got there money back thrice.
Through Intrest
Through Direct payments that included inflation
and Through its own Industires which were supplying the rebuilding of europe, which the govement of course taxed.
Second, the INTREST on those warloans up and untill around 1981 Was exceedingly large making up actual % of the US income.
Had the US not loaned europe money the US would have stayed in adepression and possibly could have even had cival war, been invaded by mexico etc.
Now you laugh however during the depression people were migrating from the US to Mexico for a "better life"
Another thing is the US in conjunction with the Jewish State are guilty of the majority of all human rights abuse and war crimes in the last 50 years.
Of course you can disagree... however I would point you to the United Nations Website and to leaf through warcrimes section.
Of course I guess the UN is a terrorist commite?
If you still have doubts
Go look up Kosovo conflict and and find the US commanders review of it.
After he wrote the review he was prematurely retired.
He found
The US purposely and directly targeted civilan structures to cause loss of life and morale.(agasint international conventions on war)
The Us let Turkey use chemical weapons
The entire Premise of the war broke international laws and was infact UNLAWFUL by both US and INternational law from the outset.
Btw if you do check out the Warcrimes section you will see the US is responbile for assinating democratic govements and replacing them with dictators.
That the CIA has written a "terrorist handbook" for a terrorists in other countries they deem hostile to the US, one time resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths as US supplied terrorists went from town to town executing raping and tortureing.
All agasint US law.
Not to mention international.
Yet not a single US citizin has been charged at anypoint in time for any of these things.
Hell the Us paid a PR frim to make up a story to get the UN to invade Iraq in the first golf war and they even got a 15year old girl toget up infront of the UN and LIE.
Was anyone punished? no.
Yet fly a planes into some buildings and kill 3000 thousand people.
a Piss all ammount.
and its scream bloody murder.
Think on this.
Millions of people each year in the US die from diseases directly related to obesitiy, infact the death toll from obesitiy some years in the US is higher then the total death toll worldwide due to war(not including war related non combatant deaths such as lack of food/housing)
The fact is sooner or later, be it large natural disarster or attack from "terrorists" and the US will be so hurt it will require international aid.
Since its currently common knowledge that "terrorists" that are wanting to attack the US have over 20 20kiloton russian nukes and that they have worked out how to bypass to trigger codes(evidence found in afganastain.. a nuclear testing bunker)
It will be sooner rather then later and if the rest of the world is lucky they wont set the bombs up in US cities but drop them 10km off the coast of major population areas.
Tidal waves traving faster then the speed of sound should have a rather cleasing effect on the US mainland
People may find my post offensive.. too bad mate.
Democratic govements require the govement be answerable to the people, which means the people are responbile for the govements actions and enforcing laws upon it.
What the US govement is guilty of the US people is guilty of.
If my govement(australia) drops a bomb on a group of kids, and the suvivors grow up and do a terrorist attack back agasint us and it kills one of my children.
The fact is I AM directly responsible for my childs death, because I am responsible for what my govement does and the reprecussions of those actions.
Afgan and the Iraq war is the biggest witch Hunt in the history of the world with the largest death Toll.
Now I may come across as hating the US.. I dont.. its a beautiful country.. its just a shame about the people that live in it.
I dislike any human who thinks its right to force others to there line of thinking by the threat and use of violence and agression.
I just wish SOME people would ask questions.
Such as
When suddam used chemical Artillery rounds to punish some of his subjects.
Where were the Shells made
Where was the Chemical Agent made?
Who had observers present.
Who shiped bodies back to there own country to autospy to further there own biological and chemical "defence programs"