Hehe, you guys are great. This community is definitely one of the reasons I love stardock products. That and the fact that stardock products are premium and well supported.
While this thread is about game questions, I'm wondering if there is a way to make custom ships without scaling the research tree and gaining access to the larger hulls and such. I want to make custom ships for my custom race and have them automatically included when I start a new game. I figured out that I can set the ships when they are already created in the race creation screen. But I havent had alot of time to play and create my ships in game.
Further, is the a ship editor that isnt in the actual game?
Finally, how does the metaverse work? I keep reading about a sandbox feature, but I'm confused as to what that is. I actually hadnt used the metaverse prior to TA even though I've had DA since it's release. It looks like a fun feature, I just havent had much time to play around with it.
I know these are in depth questions, so links to other forum threads with detailed instructions would be greatly welcomed. Quick answers are welcome as well

Thanks all!