you guys normally just invade and kill. what's with all this covert stuff...
We learned much from our wars with the Terran monkey-men. Scream and leap is not always the best tactic! These raiders we have employed will weaken our foes from within, while we pursue more "traditional" methods.
I remember that. KP didn't take too kindly to the last time I went along on a covert raid. Every time someone came close to the main computer room, I had to jump up and yell, "BOO!". Sorry about getting those operatives killed like that. But, hey...I gotta be me
Ha! Â
 Demons are just too mischevous sometimes... No more covert mssions! You need to stick to the soul-swallowing, fear-inspiring, and pain-inducing activites you do best.
Sentient species taste better...