WARNING! What follows is a large wall of text. If you don't wish to read said wall, please skip to the last paragraph, where I summarize.
Yeah, if CalifDude thought that this discussion was in reference to his gameplay, then that was an extremely unfortunate misinterpretation. Reloading after Jagged Knife is the course of action that 99% of those playing DA would have done (that 1% is the person, I forget who, that mentioned how Jagged Knife actually helped him in the game). This discussion of reloading has nothing to do with that. I foresaw this reloading discussion happening, but I was hoping it would hold off until the end of the round, mostly because that seems to be the best time to discuss rule changes.
However, since this discussion is now upon us, I suppose I have one recommendation. We don't pass any new rules regarding ARC, reloading, what have you. Instead, after a round has finished, everyone should post an AAR of how they played their game. It doesn't have to be too detailed (although if you're playing a shorter game, and you want to show exactly how you maximized efficiency, then sure, get detailed) but just an outline of what your basic strategies, what was your design plan when building on your planets, etc. If you're using an ARC, then explain your design choices in reference to the game. If you're not using an ARC, explain why you chose the race you did.
Granted, I see the MVL as a learning experience more than anything, so the idea of everyone showing off their strategies at the end may appeal to me more than others. At the end of each round, you could compare strategies, say "Oh, that's a great idea, I'll try that next time!", offer advice to other players on ways you think they could improve their game, etc. Also, if you see that someone has used something that you consider to be an exploit, then you can say to yourself "Pff, if they hadn't used that trick, I would've beat them." CAVEAT: No actual posting such thoughts in the forums, lets try to keep things lighthearted, everybody. Meanwhile, it would limit the use of certain time grinds for better scores/speeds (Would you really want to post "I first researched all my medicine techs, then reloaded until I got a Plague event"? Where's your pride?)
For those of you who followed my warning, and are just joining in, my recommendation is to have everyone post AARs at the end of the round. Some people already do it, this would just extend the task to everybody. I don't see the MVL as a place where you find a great strategy, then guard it with your life and use it to win rounds. Winning rounds is alright, but nobody gets to see your genius plan. I'd rather brag about finding a great strategy, rather than brag about how my team has won the past X rounds, or I've had the highest score for the past X rounds. Granted, maybe I'm wrong about that, and what's most important to the MVL is bragging rights about winning rounds. Or maybe it's too much to ask of all players to write up an AAR (this wouldn't be applied to this round, as I certainly can't remember the grand strategy in my game). Just a suggestion, which would hopefully eliminate some of the issues which popped up in this round. (Alright, that was a long summary, my apologies.)
Edit: Whoops, sorry Silver. Believe it or not, I started this post before you posted, but it takes me a long time to work out exactly what I plan to say, mostly because I write a bunch of junk that I end up having to delete. Anyways, I would personally prefer a moratorium on all rule changes until the end of the round, but since I don't feel like having to retype this later, I'm leaving it up.