*Sheds the Tyrant cloak and dons the warrior armor*You've chosen well, Admiral_Prescott. May your conquests be many and may your name strike fear into the quivering hearts of your grass eating foe.
Well said Solembum!
On a personal note...My gigantic map is nearing the end. No score tests, so it'll be whatever it is when I'm done. I'm sure the Fanged God will be pleased though. It's not looking too shabby.Hopefully, this will be my last DL game for a while. If Impulse 2 comes out on schedule, I'll have DL, DA and TA in my Kzinti profile and DL and DA in my Tyranny one. TA has my curiosity, so a test game will be in order before long.
You'll be a full-service Kzinti warrior then!
I've got another game in the works too, which should be done by this weekend. It's another huge all-abundant, which should score about 550k, unless I get luck with an economic boom, and then I'll take it to over 600k.
Quoting Seeker, reply 3Everyone is out to get the Kzinti these days... What have the Kzinti done to you. Apart from attacking and enslaving your people, Pillaging your towns and scratching up your furniture. But i'd hardly call them a reason to hate us .i don't hate them. there just there
We dont hate you either Freeman, you're just food.
Just put double stick tape on the furniture it will keep the Kzinti away.
Never heard that one before, but it sounds effective, hehe.
Am i to assume that everlycrosmidnightfireflyer has changed his name once again........
As the Romulan saying goes, "To be unknown is to be unconquerable." Seeker is very tricky...
Sentient species taste better...