Well, it is an honor just to be nominated

First off I would like to thank the MVC for all of their work so far. The changes made to the AltMeta have really enriched metaverse play options. Even running these elections probably at times feels like a thankless task. So I want to let all of them know that their efforts are appreciated.
An interesting and thriving metaverse can really add to the experience of playing Gal Civ 2. One area of particular interest to me is running tournaments where everyone playing metaverse games can compete together. To the best of my knowledge I'm the first person to run metaverse tournaments here on these message boards. I started in April, and you can see the results
here and
here. I will continue to work to provide interesting tournament challenges to keep you coming back for more. If elected I will also be able to work with the council on setting up some sort of official tournament system.
But, while this is the metaverse council, I realize for many of you there are elements away from the metaverse that interest you. For much of this year I have done my best to lend my experience with this game to answer people's questions here on the forums. I have literally, actually played close to 200 games of galciv2 over the last year (it took me a while to figure out the metaverse was cool). While perhaps I deserve admonishment for that sort of love of the game, my point is that over playing that many games I have become very familiar with most aspects of this game. I will continue to try and answer anyone's questions - from first time players to seasoned veterans - anytime I think my perspective can be helpful.
This is a rich and complex game that invites you to get lost for hours in its universe, playing for just "one more turn". I also have, and will continue, to try and bring in depth strategy analysis discussions to these forums. Whether it is posting
AAR descriptions of how I play,
tips on how to beat some of the higher difficulty levels, or
analysis of various game
Many people have different points of view regarding different aspects of this game. I have also worked to try and encourage all ideas and viewpoints, even when I disagree. I do my best (and I'm sure I can improve) to treat everyone on here with respect. Flame wars help no one. I have my own prejudices and opinions, but everyone is entitled to their opinion, and looking at the game through someone else's eyes can help you to see aspects you overlooked. If elected as a councilor, I will continue to try and promote a civil tone even when emotions get heated.
I even suggested using the PM system as a voting method for this election!

In short, if elected I will do my best to use my experience and analysis to help the galciv community. Whether that involves changes to the metaverse, tournaments, answering questions or just conversing with people I find on these forums. I have my own perspective, but I will also endeavor to do my best to represent the community as a whole.
Finally, I really want to wish everyone I'm running against the best of luck. I'm sure that each of us will do our all for the galciv community.
So, do your part. Vote for two of us. Send a private message vote to one of the three councilors listed in the first post. Take care.
- Wyndstar