I still come by almost daily but there is little about GalCiv to speak on anymore, so most of the boards seems to be going to Impulse or random BS. I am glad to see a few newer players popping up asking questions, somewhat making it look like the GC2 forum again. Even if some of the questions are ones that had been answered in the past. Can't fault the peeps though with the search being Fubared, but I just can't always get up the gumption to repeat the same answers I've given in the past.
I have played some GC2 lately , but just messing around mainly. Been caught up on Farcry2 and just played through COD4 that a friend sent me for Christmas.
Not sure if I'll get up the patience anytime soon to run a fullon high scoring meta game, but I still have fun with it just playing scenarios and custom maps