Thanks KP
Iv'e been a user of FF since it was first released, i think the last IE i used was 5, but i do know that i have had far fewer problems on than most, in fact since i changed to FF3 i have only had the "forums go boom" page once, plus the site as a whole tends to load much faster now. Sure it has it's slow days but it goes pretty quick.
Unless you guys are specifically against FF then give it a try, you can skin it to make it look just like IE7, if that's your thing, but it does seem the better of the two, at least where GC2 is concerned.
And no, i do not work for FF and was not paid for that spiel...i should be though, i'll tell anyone who will listen, and more than a few who don't that they should switch over to FF...
I know both DA and myself have Mumbler's going, anyone else got an epic game under construction? A few big high scoring games will give us a nice buffer to the HCH, they do have some activity so we don't want to lose that new medal just as we finally got it....
Shamless self promotion - Be sure to check out my AAR guys,
"Altair's First Strike" Chapters one and two are up and three is not far away.