I can't recall if you mentioned this already M...DD...Are you building out an array with ships? and if so how many, cause you seem to be able to do these games very quickly. I really think this is an avenue i'd rather go down. I's prefer to pump out many 300K games than play for the higher score which take far longer.
Hehe. It's no secret as to who I am.
DD is my test character for working out hardware and software issues related to the game. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to figure out why the exception errors kept cropping up. Problem solved and I can't foresee a practical need for him to exist in the near future.
I did a blurb on the new strat in our private forums. I think I called it a mini-mumblegame to give Mumblefratz the credit for most of the strategy. I've added my own to it and scaled it down to a large map. I'll update the private forums later. Maybe add some screenshots too.