I'll try to pratice some restraint until we hear from the three involved. I'll try.
That's all that I ask.
Unless I've missed something (I only glanced at the thread), it seems Darth hasn't seen FastEddie in that thread previously, so I'm unsure where he came from. I'm not about to read the whole thread, as it would murder what little brain cells I have left, but I'd be inclined to trust Darth on that, as I assume he's weighed in at least once per page.
I'm not sure how SSAF got involved in it and I honestly don't care, but I was unimpressed with the first post I saw from The_Undying, so I wish you luck with that.
@SS - Thanks for weighing in. I didn't vote in the poll, since I never even saw two of the three topics in question. I posted in the third, so that wouldn't do either.

Well clearly the one you posted in was the most pointless, right? 
Just kidding.
That, and I'm evil.
At least we know. 
Edit: Adrian, apologies. I had forgotten that you posted there. As I said, it was a very cursory glance at the thread; I didn't want to lose any more brain cells than necessary.
You are certainly welcome to be the voice of the people who like to drink beer, though.