Kzinti Patriarch, thank you for your congratulations. The respect of your enemies is the greatest accomplishment a warrior can hope to achieve and it is an honor to be recognized by the metaverse's greatest warrior of all. You are a fine and noble adversary, legendary in your prowess, gracious to your foes, tactically and strategically brilliant, and the nemesis of all prey species.
I hereby swear on my honor as the Hegemon of the Imperial Inquisition, that as my battleship lifts off from the smoking and crumpled ruins of your home planet, and as my ears ring with the lamentations of the Kzinti kittens we keep to populate our Imperial zoos (+5 morale, hehe), that I will inter your ashes in the finest pressed latinum urn our slaves can craft and give it pride of place in our Galactic Showcase. Our superior species will honor your memory, and grieve your passage as our finest enemy, until the heat death of the universe renders all dust.
With deepest admiration and respect,
Lieutenant Count Alejandro Montoya
Honor is given where honor is due, Count Alejandro. The Kzinti respect all who fight bravely and with valor! We appreciate your effort to honor the memories of your foes, although it is puzzling why you would waste perfectly edible meat by incinerating it and keeping the ashes in a jar. After our Conquest Heroes devour your flesh, and the Fanged God likewise devours your soul, you will be remembered as a great enemy who knows the strength and value of honor.
We eagerly anticipate our next meeting on the battlefield!
Thank you for your kind words Jack. As with all things in life, a little humor and convivial, intelligent company, even when, or perhaps especially when, the company is an opponent, just makes it all that much more enjoyable and pleasant. A beer for you, and may your prey species taste finer than the largest women and may your scores be as you like them!
Well said clanlindsey! 
And a hearty congratulations to Motti! 
And no, I dont support Piz's petition to ban smilies. Meow! 
Sentient species taste better...