Clan Lindsey, the newcomers have certainly been a big help, especially over on the AltMeta (at least when it's in the mood to update--maybe your spate of name-changes have made it miss you so far?).
You should be able to post your JB pic as your forum avatar on the Images tab of the My Account page, unless you have Flash 10 and they still haven't resolved some pic-uploading bug related to that.
Also, per the Word of Ghostwes, every Gerontocrat is a Senator even if the UI doesn't get it. AFAIK, no one in our empire ever figured out how to use the 'senatorial powers' that Sliverbeacher has mentioned, so even before Ghostwes went on hiatus the title was just a reminder that we're all old together, and probably look better draped in togas than anything that might fit snugly.
Re the War of Northern Aggression, I'm a new son of the Old South and glad to see a sense of history and humour combined. Laughter is a good way to let go of anger, shame, etc.--as long as you don't forget why the joke worked. I have a friend whose middle school history teacher in 1980s Titusville, FL, still consistently used that term. He's a historian now, and he'll surely get a big hoot out of "War of Southern Intransigence."