ghostwes wrote:
All that said, I'm so busy with my new job in a new city (I just moved back to Toronto) that I barely have time to play, much less contribute much to our little empire.
Good news on acquiring the new job
ghostwes , but sorry to hear that you have little or no time to play (I sympathize).
I really resent it when real-life denies me my hard earned recreation time (so little of it, it seems lately).
I don't know if there's a way to sign the empire over to someone who is able to pay more attention to things than I can... anybody know?
I think you are referring to administrative duties if I'm not mistaken, such as accepting new members, invites, senator status appointments or heaven forbid... disciplinary actions.
I'm not sure if this is possible or even necessary, but maybe someone with more "tech savvy" can answer this one.
Sorry, guys... I'm just really swamped right now.
No apologies necessary... we'll save a rocker on the porch for when you return!