The mod is designed for gigantic galaxies, it works pretty well on large as well but going too far down in size winds up not working too well because of a lot of the changes.
There were a few things I tried to accomplish with the mod. The first point was to adjust the game to the larger maps, both to make them feel large and to make some of the less useful things more useful. The second point was to eliminate some of the cheeze involved with tech trading, this was done by making some of the techs notrade. Finally I wanted to add more options with some real trade offs.
Download here, unzip and read the readme for simple setup instructions. Feedback is always appreciated.
-- Tetrasodium
*- Hp, Logistics, Attack, Defense, and Weight were all raised by a factor of 10, this allows much more flexibility in balancing weapons against each other.
*- A Galaxy Changes tech has been autogranted to all players, it reduces range by -100 and keeps the individual races slightly more contained without using life support and such.
*- Removed the range given by the various life support techs, it is partly recovered elsewhere in the tree and I find researching all the life support is generally enough to travel the entire map without using support modules anyways... now they are a bit more important and there is some more difference between defense fleets and offensive fleets.
*- Move mass driver theory and railguns under space mining theory as rudimentary mass drivers, cut their damage in half
*- Move beam weapon theory under advanced power systems as rudimentary mining lasers, cut their damage in half
*- Move missile weapon theory and stinger under sensors 1 as space capable sparrows, cut their damage in half
*- Add an interest rate fork off the trade tree to give an intrest rate bonus to those who take the time to research them.
*- Cut down on some of the trade cheeze ability by changing weapons & armor techs so only the first rank of each tier can be traded (I.e. Stinger I, harpoon I, photonic torp I, etc)
*- The name for Space weapons was changed to Space Combat Training and the techs forking off it are different than before.
*- There is a group of techs for Defensive maneuvers and Offensive Targeting, total they can add 20% to each but take quite a bit to research the entire tree. They are all no trade no steal.
*- XenoBiology was moved behind planetary improvements, terraforming now sprouts from xeno biology.
*- Extreme colonization has been given more steps and moved behind terraforming on the tech tree. Extreme colonization III grants 50% colonization to all inhospitable worlds.
*- Inhospitable world colonization techs ( i.e. toxic, barren, radioactive, etc) are now 3 part techs, the first two grant a small bonus and the third grants the other 50% of the colonization for that planet type.
*- Slightly adjusted the number of traderoutes given by the individual trade tree techs, there are a bit more of them now
*- The TradeAbility value given for each of the trade techs has been raised from +10 to +15, this results in slightly higher income from traderoutes.
*- Starbase defense and planetary defense was moved under space militarization
*- The blanket +15 +5 +5 +5 morale bonus gained from researching the entertainment tech line was removed.
*- A set of planetary improvements were placed under the 4 legs of the planetary defense tech line. They are 1 per world and start out giving +15% morale and the ability for ships in orbit to defend as a fleet with 50% your logistics score, and scale up to 20% morale 75% logistics, 25% morale 125% logistics 10%hp of fleets in orbit, and finally 30% morale 150% logistics 20%hp. Why yes, that is about the same morale bonus as was removed from entertainment

*- Changed starbases from the huge hull with 840hp to a special starbase hull with 3500 hp.
*- The + range given by the life support tree was removed and forked off the space combat training tree as an 9 step +80 thing (about half what was given before)
*- Created an ultra-tiny "probe" class of ship. It can hold almost nothing other than "probe sensors", moves very fast (15/turn), and has very high range (+100). They allow you to explore roughly 1/4 of the galaxy, but have a very tiny sensor footprint (2).
*- Added a line of "Probe Sensors" that use about 100% of a ship's hullspace but give much better results than normal sensors. They are designed specifically for probe type hulls, but you could put them on any hull you are willing to waste the ability to hold just about nothing else
*- Enabled a couple extra levels of sensortech, with the +sensor range ability being removed from the tech tree they are now more useful.
*- Slightly increased the size of colony, constructor, and troop modules
*- Each leg of the trade tech branch unlocks improved cargo vessels with additional range, a little extra speed, some extra space, and a tiny bit extra HP.
*- Some of the individual sensor ship bits got a slight improvement.
*- The balance of weapons was slightly tweaked as follows. Beam weapons low damage and light weight inexpensive, missiles high damage moderate weight more expensive, mass drivers modterate daamge moderate weight inexpensive. Armor/shield/chaff and such should be pretty similar to the end results of the weapons. The choice is further complicated by the middle of the road gun/mass driver type weapons being 10% cheaper to research.
*- Added a slight morale bonus that scales up +5% with each level of farm. Well fed people are happy people. Also important given the reduced easily available/free +morale bonus's
*- Made two new research lab trees, borderless for slight +research -loyalty and private sector for normal research with slightly enhanced cost and +5% morale.
*- To partly compensate for the reduced morale that the morale tree gives, each of the +morale buildings all add +5 Prestige (influence bonus granted by embassy type buildings).
*- Hyperion shipyard is type normal instead of type superproject. You can trade 1 tile for +1 speed of ships on every planet if you want. It's 60% less expensive to build (similar to industrial sector), has a maintenance cost of 10bc and -10 industry. You will indeed pay for that extra speed.
*- Made Industrial tree fork to add line of more productive slightly less expensive factories using slave labor, they that lower planetary loyalty and make planets with them slightly more likely to flip due to influence.
*- There is a new research line for Jumpgate improvements. The tech victory condition was moved under this line since there are now multiple research lab lines.
*- Military starbases can create a "Jumpgate" module, it adds a +9 bonus to the speed of ships that start their turn under it's influence.
*- Military starbases can add Jumpgate enhancements I through jumpgate enhancements IIX. Combined with the jumpgate itself, it adds +47 to the speed of ships under it's influence.
*- All races have had their names changed from "xxx" (xxx=race name) to -xxx-, this was done because HP and Logistics granted by the various races needed to have an extra 0 on the end but the game would only recognize the races if all of the .customracexml files created while playing the normal game were deleted.
*- Neutrality learning centers were grouped into research academies but still have their own tech. This was mainly done because it looked odd

*- Many of the techs had slight aivalue adjustements or were moved to different locations on the tree.
Beam weapons: Low damage, low weight, high cost for the damage output
- 50% less weight
- 40% less damage
- normal cost
Missile weapons: High damage, high weight, low cost for the damage output
- 50% more weight
- 50% more damage
- 20% more cost
Rail guns: Moderate damage, moderate weight, low cost for the damage output.
- normal weight
- 10% less damage
- 20% less cost
- Ability to set multiple StarbaseAbility's on a starbase module. Currently it's [StarbaseAbility]X[/StarbaseAbility] and [StarbaseAbilityValue]Y[/StarbaseAbilityValue]. Joining them into [StarbaseAssist]X[/StarbaseAssist] [StarbaseRange>X[/StarbaseRange] etc would allow multiple things to be set on starbase modules.
- The ability to set a tech to require X and Y tech before it can be researched, would allow obvious benefits i.e. [Requires]Tech1,Tech2[/Requires]
- The ability to set a tech to award additional tech(s) when researched. This would solve the problem of currently not being allowed to make converging tech lines, as well as better allow techs that require X or Y tech to be researched. [Grants]OtherTech[/Grants]
- The ability to set a tech to be impossible to research if X Y or Z tech is researched. This would allow either/or choices in the tech tree. [Restricts]OtherTech[/Restricts]
- The ability to set a tech to be toggle on/off with research. This would allow techs that function as additional sliders, for example a tech line that trades life support range for speed ( i.e. run the engines above maximum safe limit), a tech line that trades morale/economy for soldering (i.e. conscript/volunteer military), etc. [Toggle]N[/Toggle] unset or 0=not toggleable, 1=toggle disables just that tech, 2=disable that tech and the tree below it. [ToggleCost]N[/ToggleCost] N=how much research is needed to toggle it on or off
- The ability to raise/lower the max debt through the tech tree, events, and planetary improvements. [DebtFloor]N[/DebtFloor] N= some number of bc.
- The ability to make new types of starbases and modules restricted for them only like can be done with ship hulls.
- Ability to limit the number of a given component that can be used on a ship.
-- Ability to set if that limit should include other similar compoents (i.e. sensor1+sensor2=2 sensors)