Wyndstar:Thank you for the discussion!

There's always something to be had in fruitful conversation.
The reason I ask is because all defense builds are NOT universally useful at higher difficulty levels. With more money, resources, and technology the AI is much better at constructing fleets to match and defeat what you are using against it. If you think combat is too easy, I would recommend upping your difficulty. I'll think you'll find the AI will find a way to overcome those medium fighters you are so proud of.
I don't believe so, because unless the AI has a massive tech and economy AND manufacturing advantage, there's just no way it'll code for a comparable ship. Upping the difficulty beyond tough doesn't improve the AI - it only adds bonuses to it! If it can't make the right ship at Tough, it'll never make the right ship.
Moreso, as I said, Defense allows you to surmount technological advantages that are beyond what is reasonable.
But that's the trick isn't it. On-type defense SHOULD be better against the weapons they match. That's the point. If that is not true, the combat system doesn't work. You are fortunate that you are facing an enemy that doesn't use any defense, even some would stop that weaksauce weapon on your fighter, and you wouldn't do damage either.
You're only quoting a truism that doesn't apply. On-type defenses should be better against the weapons they match. So what? That doesn't make my point any the less. I don't pit my Mediums against ships that have off-type weapons because I'm aware of the bug and I don't want to take advantage of it. I only field and use on-type defense ships.
I'm talking about ON-TYPE defense vs, offense conflicts, not any other bug you might be aware of.
Sometimes the enemy WOULD field in a little bit of defense (but not really substantial amounts). The weak defense is really easily surmounted by fleeting even two Defense Type ships, or merely loading on just that little bit of weaponry (and the refit cost is trivial).
It's a little bump -a small complication- that doesn't matter in the least.
And this is simply not true. I know for a fact that when you finish the tech tree, you can make fleets that destroy any defense in the game. My Hyperion Dreadnaught screenshot was an example. Right now, defense is too strong because there is a bug to non-matching defense. I am sure this will be fixed in an upcoming patch.
To say again, I'm NOT talking about the defense bug. This performance is PURELY with on-type defense ships. Since you don't need that many, you can build as many on-type defense ships as your tech allows.
WHEN YOU FINISH THE TECH TREE, offense strongly overpowers defense purely on a numerical scale - the defenses simply don't numerically scale to the same level.
However, not every situation is at the end of the tech tree, and not every game is BATTLE OF THE GODS. For many situations in the middle of the tech tree, a Defense Ship is, for most intents and purposes, just like a Hyperion Dreadnaught. The current Defense situation merely brings that phenomenon out of the end game and puts it at every level of the tech tree - creating a problem where no problem previously existed.
If you don't like the end-tech situation, I propose making the game go at 1/2 tech speed.

Finished Tech Tree Scenarios aren't only NOT representative of the whole game experience, they're also reflective of a problem with the end-tech tree itself, not just Defense or Offense.
The Defense Ship problem is more fundamental because it exists at most levels of the tech tree.
The changes that were made were a good thing because when everyone maxes out the tech tree, if you focus on just one weapon type there should be fleets that stop you. I'm happy to report that in my first game after the 1.5x patch I gave Ultimate Invulnerability to all of my enemies, and didn't use defense myself, only beam weapons, and I lost. That was perhaps the happiest I have ever been in a loss in this game. I still destroyed enemies, but not fast or cheap enough compared to the cost and attrition my ships took.
That merely reflects a change in AI behavior - the more important change. Perhaps it would be advisable to make defenses cheaper in the end game as you acquire more weapons tech, but I think that this end-game problem is merely reflective of a shorter defense tree compared to the Offense tree.
Fixing an end-game problem by wrecking the rest of the game is not a good solution.
Well, I partially agree with you. Overall defense wasn't worth it, especially as used by the AI. But even prepatch you could make invincible ships in the right situations. Now, there is a bug, and defense IS always a good tactic because of the bug. When it is fixed, those defensive monsters will start to die quickly against two weapon types, which is as it should be.
I think you have a fundamental lack of understanding of what I'm saying. I apologize for not making myself clear enough.
1. The bug doesn't figure in my estimations.
2. For most intents and purposes, most AIs in the game only have one weapon type. The cost of weapons tech is such that you can only really afford to ace one, and maybe secondarily research another. IMX the AIs don't readily trade weapons tech to each other. For the same reasons, you probably only have one major weapon type.
Since Defense is a reactive technology, it is 100% effective, not 1/3. Moreover, since you only need a few ships of middling size, even, you can afford to build multiple defense-type ships, one for each AI threat.
Post two Defense Ships on each border that needs it and you're pretty much set on a Large Map.
Even with the current bug, at the end of the tech tree I have never seen a ship that I or the AI can't kill. There are times when a civ can make a nearly invincible ship by gaining a tech advantage. That is part of the interest of the arms race, and it makes weapon types matter if you CAN significantly stop an enemy with matching defense. Maybe defense was made too cheap (I am not at all persuaded in this direction yet), but in any case it is hard to test the game balance until all of the bugs are fixed. As Vinraith noted in the very first reply to this post, the system is not currently working as designed.
My experience is not the same. In fact, the I believe that the AI NEEDS a sizable tech advantage to kill a Defense-type ship, either in weapons, mini, or logistics. That makes Defense tech possibly the singlemost worthy military investment you can have for ship components, and it doesn't even need that much investment to take advantage of.
I'm not that good a player, and I frequently fall behind in tech at Tough, especially at the stage where we only have Medium Ships. My opponents all have better weapons, better economies, and better miniturization. The fact that I can up my difficulty level purely on the basis of a military advantage from Defense means that Defense is disproportionately powerful.
I repeat: YOU NEED NO TECH ADVANTAGE TO MAKE AN INVINCIBLE SHIP. It's not even that expensive.
This is clearly not working as intended.